Thursday, August 29, 2013

Some Xperia Z Ultra owners complaining of defective screens

by Ananthan 


The Sony Xperia Z Ultra HSPA+ (C6802) has been released for a number of weeks now and whilst the handset has been receiving widespread praise for its display, there are a minority of users suffering from defective screens. We have been monitoring the situation over the last fortnight and we’ve seen more and more people report problems across forums and YouTube.

The problem people seem to suffer is the inability to wake the screen by pressing the power button. The backlight turns on but the screen stays blank. However, this does not appear to be a Sleep of Death (SoD) issue as the Android OS is still running and once the power button is pressed enough times, the screen will wake. Some are getting green lines when trying to wake the device via the power button.
Some people are reporting that the latest firmware update in the form of build version 14.1.B.0.475 solves the issue, but others say this isn’t the case. It sounds like a software issue to us, so hopefully we’ll see a fix coming soon for all users. We certainly hope this bug is ironed out by the time the LTE versions (C6803, C6806) roll out.

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